Have Stress and Anxiety?

St. Paul tells us in 1 Cor. 7:32, “I should like you to be free of anxieties.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              How much stress and anxiety do we bring on ourselves by insistently worrying about having enough, constantly striving to obtain more things and achieve more?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

And when we get it, then what? Usually more stress and anxiety. This is not what God wants for us. He wants us to be free of anxieties. Jesus tells us 4 times in Matthew 6 to stop worrying.

How do we rid ourselves of this kind of stress? By putting God first in our lives, in every facet of our lives – including with money. Putting God first in our finances prioritizes our spending. Giving to God gives us purpose by  making us a part of the mission of the church. Something bigger than ourselves. Something majestic.  Something beautiful.

Try this – instead of worrying about getting more things, bring it to God in prayer. Pray to God about the things you want and the accomplishments you want to achieve. Leave them with Him. Then get on with using the talents He gave you to the best of your ability. And give to those ministries that serve the poor. Give to God first and trust Him to provide. 


Photo credit: Robert Davis

Time is Running Out

1 Cor. 7:29-31 “I tell you, brothers, the time is running out. From now on, let those…buying as not owning, those using the world as not using it fully. For the world in its present form is passing away.

Paul exhorts us to live differently than the rest of society. But, how do we do this? We do this by living a  life of Stewardship. It gives us the perfect framework for how to order our lives. 

Stewardship is counter-cultural. Our culture tells us to look out for ourselves, to go for  the gusto and get all we can. It tells us to pay ourselves first, and that to be happy and successful, we must save up hundreds of thousands if not millions in our investment accounts. But as Christians, we live in God’s culture. We are disciples of Jesus Christ. As disciples, we are other-centered and self-sacrificing. As good stewards we put God first in our lives, in every facet of our lives – including first with money. We pay God first!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Be counter-cultural! Decide today to fully embrace stewardship – God first in all areas of your life Time, Talent, and Treasure. Try Him in this and see if He won’t pour out blessings without measure (Mal. 3:10). Hurry, because time is running out. The world in its present form is passing away.

                            (Photo by Robert Davis)

What Are You Looking For?

In John 1:38,  Jesus turned and asked His followers, “What are you looking for?” 

What are you looking for? What is it that you truly seek? For many it is to be happy. Happiness often means having the material comforts of life while not having to worry about money. Does this resonate with you? Me, too.

How do we get this happiness we seek? Advertisers – The world  – tell us that to be happy we need to have more things, the newest and best versions of the latest stuff that we can buy. The thing is, this requires that we spend money – probably a bit more money than we have. This in turn causes our credit card balances to increase which results in stress in our lives, not happiness. 

There are better, more beautiful things in life than spending money on a new golf club or an upgrade to your cell phone. Instead, seek God’s kingdom first (Mt. 6:33). Put Him first in every area of your life, including in your finances. Give to God first before any other spending and see if then you don’t begin to realize the sense of peace and happiness you truly seek.

We Saw His Star

Matthew 2:2  “We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.”

The Magi were studious and expectant. They were on the look-out for a sign. And when they saw what they thought was the correct sign – the star – they left everything in its pursuit. They set out in faith to follow that star wherever it led. What a great example for us.

Are we as expectant and hopeful in searching for the signs of God in our lives? Do you see the King’s star in the street person, the pregnant teenager struggling to choose life, in the just-released inmate? Do you look for Jesus’s star in the least of our brothers and sisters, and then strive to grow closer to Jesus, doing whatever is necessary to serve their needs?

Let your New Year’s resolution be to see His star in the needs of the poor, to be like the Wise Men and do whatever it takes to pursue after their needs. Seek Jesus by stepping out in faith to give courageously of your time, talents, and treasure. Give in support of those who serve the poor.

Why Did God Come as a Baby?

Babies: Weak. Helpless. Vulnerable. And yes – cute!

The celebration of Jesus’ birth at Christmas invites us to ask “Why?” Why did God come to us as a baby? He could have come in grandeur, splendor, and power! But, He chose to come in the most feeble and fragile form. Why?

Why indeed! Think about what babies do to you. They disrupt your schedule. They demand attention to their needs.Your time is no longer your own. They also disrupt your bank account. Their needs cost money. You must now spend on diapers and formula and onesies. That’s not as much fun as spending on dinner at a restaurant and a movie. 

Even so, think about how babies affect you. When a baby is presented to you, you sweep him up in your arms, like Simeon did with Jesus when Mary and Joseph brought Him to the temple (Luke 2:22-32). His smile melts you. His coos weaken your knees. He’s so cute and cuddly. You are transformed, making silly babbling sounds. You can’t help yourself. You can’t help but – to love. 

That is why God came as a baby. We can’t help but love Him. Let Him disrupt your schedule. Spend time with Him in prayer and praise. Let Him disrupt your bank account. Give to build His kingdom by serving those in need. Can you be like Mary and Joseph and let Jesus disrupt your life? 

What a gift God gives us in Jesus. Give like God gives. Give because INYM.