Mortgage payment. Car note. Tuition. Student loans. Credit cards paid off when?
Will I ever get ahead? How in the world will I be able to retire?
I go to Mass, volunteer, and give. I think I’m doing all I’m supposed to. (But am I?)
How Can I be a better Disciple of Jesus Christ?
- Thankfully, you are not alone. We strive to be better Catholics, to go to Mass more often, pray more, etc. But, do you think of money and how you use it as a pathway to a stronger relationship with God?
- And not that misery loves company, but most everyone worries about money. Money worries cause stress and are a major source of marital strife. Learn how to be rid of this stress and find peace.
- It’s Not Your Money, Finding the Peace of Putting God First provides a pathway to this peace. The first step is acknowledging God as the source and provider of all we have. This lays the foundation for a proper attitude toward money, namely – It’s Not Your Money!
- Did you know, there are over 2500 Bible verses about money and possessions? Read and listen to a few of the blog posts to help form a Godly attitude about managing all of His gifts of time, talent and especially treasure and how that will bring you the peace and contentment you seek.
- Invite me to speak at your parish and present the workshop Money as a Tool to Grow Closer to God.

Joseph B. Galloway has over 30 years of investment and banking experience in his role as a Financial Advisor. And he was on staff at his Parish as Director of Stewardship. His mission is to help people find peace of mind and meaning in their lives by using money as a tool to grow deeper in their discipleship with Jesus Christ.
A committed Christian all of his life, Joe became Catholic over twenty five years ago. He began course work in the Pastoral Studies program at Loyola University in New Orleans. In an effort to merge work into a faith-filled vocation, Joe began working with people to transform their attitudes toward money. This book and website are the result of that effort.