
Is God’s Word Foolishness?

You can guess that the truth in the Bible is often at odds with the advice and opinion of popular sources. The working world often considers God’s word foolishness, as having no value for our everyday lives. Friday, August 26, 2022’s Word Among Us presents a reflection on 1 Corinthians ...
/ / Budgeting, Perspectives

Interest Rates are on the Rise!

Interest rates are on the rise. That is because inflation is at its highest level since the early 1980’s. You know this reality by how much more you have to pay to fill your car with gasoline. It hit me the other day when I had to pay $13 for ...

Tithing is like Tailoring

The reflection in The Word Among Us for Sunday’s 10-15-17 Gospel reading suggests that the wedding garment in Matthew 22: 1-14 represents the essential elements of our life in Christ. It is a garment of obedience, of repentance and purity. Garments often require tailoring. Pant and skirt lengths need hemming, waist lines ...
/ / Budgeting, Perspectives

Standing in the Breach

In the months since the 2016 Presidential election many articles in Catholic publications seem to have a common thread of concern for reduced government funding of social service programs. One such article from the Catholic New Service contained interviews of Catholic Charities USA CEOs who spoke about their March 29 ...
/ / Budgeting, Perspectives

Fearfully Generous

There is no better example of trust in God’s provision than the widow in Mark 12: 42. How could this woman be willing to give all she had except that she trusted that God would provide for her somehow—even if she didn’t understand how. Many of us put only left-over ...
/ / Budgeting, Perspectives

Ad-lib this Advent

Fr. Louie recounted a report of a children’s Christmas play from some years ago. If you have children, grandchildren or friends with children, you have been to this play. You know the story. You can imagine the scene. The Joseph and Mary characters knock on the door of the Inn, ...
/ / Budgeting, Perspectives