Making Friends

What does it mean to make friends with dishonest wealth as Jesus tells us to do in Luke 16: 9? It sounds a little like I am to buddy-up with conniving, cheating schemers. And maybe I am if I would have any chance of influencing them to change for the good of His kingdom. But […]

Fearfully Generous

There is no better example of trust in God’s provision than the widow in Mark 12: 42. How could this woman be willing to give all she had except that she trusted that God would provide for her somehow—even if she didn’t understand how. Many of us put only left-over change into the collection plate, […]

Whose Image is on our Hearts?

I love Jesus’ response to those crafty Pharisees who are trying to trap Him on paying taxes. Remember, they asked Him, “Is it right to pay?” “Whose image is on the coin?” Jesus asked them in return. You know the rest… The question for us is, “Whose image is on our hearts?” Whose are we? […]

Persevere in Faith and Trust

Why did Jesus respond so harshly to the Canaanite woman who only wanted healing for her daughter in Matthew 15? It seems He discriminated against her race. Even called her a dog. Could it be that He placed obstacles before her to challenge her to an even deeper faith? Could it be that He was […]