How Blessed are You?

Take a moment and think of how blessed you are. When I ask people to share their blessings, the most common responses are family, job, house, and health. Yes of course, thank you Lord. But do you also think about God’s unconditional love for you? Do you think of His unmerited grace? His mercy and forgiveness? Do you think about His suffering on the cross, and His dying for us so that by our faith in Him, we can have eternal life with God in heaven forever!! Oh My Goodness! How blessed are we, truly?

How do we respond to God for all of His blessings? The Psalmist asks the question for us in 116:12,  How can we repay the Lord for all the great good He does for us? 

  • How about a heartfelt, humble “Thank you, Lord?”
  • How about genuine praise and thanksgiving? Yes
  • And how about by putting God first in your life? First in every area of your life – including in your financial life. 

That is what good disciples do. In imitation of Jesus, we put God first in every facet of our lives, including with our money. Giving is the first category of spending in our budgets. When we do this, we admit the truth that all is gift from God. And in all humility, we give back to God – first. 

Put God first in your life. Put God first in your spending. Give to God first in thanksgiving for all of his blessings. 

Photo Credit: Robert Davis

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