Stewardship can be Scary!

Like the storm the disciples encounterd when crossing the Sea of Galilee was scary, living Stewardship can be scary. Putting God first in every area of your life – every facet of your life – includinging in your spending can seem terrifying? But that is what we as disciples are called to do. Hesitant? Afraid? […]

How Blessed are You?

Take a moment and think of how blessed you are. When I ask people to share their blessings, the most common responses are family, job, house, and health. Yes of course, thank you Lord. But do you also think about God’s unconditional love for you? Do you think of His unmerited grace? His mercy and […]

Scary News Headlines

News headlines are always scary. The Covid pandemic seems as if it will never be eradicated, what with Delta evolving into Omicron. Economic news cries of supply chain constraints and rampant inflation. Inflation hasn’t been this bad since the early 1980’s. And Russia is massing troops on the Ukrainian border. The stock market has succumbed […]