Is your world upside down? Lost your job or at least, pay half of what it was? Investment and Retirement accounts 30% less than they were a year ago? House not worth what you owe on it? Wish things could go back to be like they were pre-recession?
Jeremiah exhorts us to think of it no longer, nor remember it, nor miss it. Of course he was preaching to the Jews in exile who longed for the day when they could go see God in the Ark of the Covenant. But, the exile helped them understand that God s not contained in a box. Instead, He is pervasively everywhere in our lives.
In difficult times, do not look nostalgically to the past. Jeremiah gives good advice.
God is doing something now.
When it comes to having to get along with less money than before, ask God what you should do now.
Because after all – It’s Not Your Money.