Who Are My Mother and Brothers?

Mark 3:33-35   But he said to them in reply, “Who are my mother and [my] brothers?” And looking around at those seated in the circle he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers.[For] whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.”

This Gospel might seem a little strange. It kind of sounds like Jesus kicked his family to the curb, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” Huh?

But think of it this way – Jesus expands family beyond any bloodline connection. He considers us family when we do the will of God. This is great news! All we have to do to be a part of His family is know the will of God and do it. How? St. Luke put it this way, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it.” (Luke 8:21)  So, doing the will of God is being obedient to His word. And what does His word tell us to do?

  • Love God above all else, and love our neighbor as ourselves.
  • Give God praise and thanksgiving always and everywhere.
  • Give back to God from our entire selves – Time, Talents, and Treasure, in humble gratitude for all of His blessings. 

In this, let’s look to Matthew 25 and find the works of mercy: feeding, clothing, providing shelter, visiting the sick, the shut- in, and those in prison. To this I add, educating kids from poor families, and providing real solutions for young pregnant women to choose life.  Being obedient to God’s word, putting God first in every area of our lives, and giving to the needs of the poor – to me, this is doing God’s will. This is living stewardship.

So – be obedient to God’s word. Give in response to God’s blessings!

How Blessed are You?

Take a moment and think of how blessed you are. When I ask people to share their blessings, the most common responses are family, job, house, and health. Yes of course, thank you Lord. But do you also think about God’s unconditional love for you? Do you think of His unmerited grace? His mercy and forgiveness? Do you think about His suffering on the cross, and His dying for us so that by our faith in Him, we can have eternal life with God in heaven forever!! Oh My Goodness! How blessed are we, truly?

How do we respond to God for all of His blessings? The Psalmist asks the question for us in 116:12,  How can we repay the Lord for all the great good He does for us? 

  • How about a heartfelt, humble “Thank you, Lord?”
  • How about genuine praise and thanksgiving? Yes
  • And how about by putting God first in your life? First in every area of your life – including in your financial life. 

That is what good disciples do. In imitation of Jesus, we put God first in every facet of our lives, including with our money. Giving is the first category of spending in our budgets. When we do this, we admit the truth that all is gift from God. And in all humility, we give back to God – first. 

Put God first in your life. Put God first in your spending. Give to God first in thanksgiving for all of his blessings. 

Photo Credit: Robert Davis

Go and Make Disciples

This Holy Trinity Sunday we hear Jesus give us His great commision in Matthew 28:19, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit.” 

Being a disciple is living a life of Stewardship. We become better disciples when we embrace and practice stewardship every day. As stewards, we acknowledge that God gives us everything. Everything is gift from God: every moment of Time, every ounce of Talent, every dime of Treasure. We gratefully receive and cultivate these gifts from God. And we share them out of love for others. When we do, these gifts then come with the fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace. They manifest themselves in how we speak and act. This very way of living Stewardship evangelizes others. Our joy exudes. Peace emanates. Others see this and are attracted to us. They want to know our “secret”.  

The secret is that good stewards are so confident in God’s love that they can’t help but share His love with others. Good stewards trust God to provide and so give of their entire self – Time, Talent, and Treasure – for the good of others. Living stewardship allows us to be a part of something big, something more majestic than our own selfish drives and desires. Live stewardship and be a part of the Church’s mission to evangelize, to make disciples of everyone you encounter.

            Photo Credit: Robert Davis

Pentecost: To each the Spirit is Given for some Benefit

Pentecost: 1 Corinthians 12:7   To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.

We are all, each of us, filled with the Holy Spirit by virtue of our Baptism, and sealed with the Spirit at our Confirmation. It is given to us for some benefit for the good of others. What would your life look like if you embraced that truth and surrendered to the Holy Spirit with boldness and courage? Your life would be so filled with joy that you couldn’t help but praise God and love your neighbor.

A couple of the fruits of the Spirit are generosity and kindness (Gal 5:22). An attitude of generosity is the heart of stewardship. We gratefully receive God’s gifts. We manage them faithfully. And out of kindness, we care about what is best for our neighbor. Our trust in God to provide and our obedience to His word drives us to generously and courageously share our material resources to make sure our most vulnerable neighbors are fed, clothed, housed, educated – in other words – loved. Their lives change for the good. The health of our cities is improved. Our world becomes a better place. If all of us would respond to God’s love, heed the promptings of the Holy Spirit, step out in faith and give to the needs of the poor, we would change the world. We would literally renew the face of the earth (Ps. 104:30). 

                                                                                                                                                              Photo Credit: Robert Davis

What Does it Mean to Witness?

Acts 1:8, “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” How to be a witness? What does it mean, what does it take to witness? Let’s approach it this way: 

Take a moment and think about all the blessings in your life.

Family, Job, Health are cited most often, and they’re big and important blessings. But did you also think of God’s unconditional love, His grace and mercy and forgiveness, His suffering and dying on the cross for our sins so that we can have eternal life with God in heaven. 

Oh My Goodness. It is overwhelming. 

Acknowledging these blessings elicits a response. And how else can we respond but in all humility, give praise and thanksgiving to God. And to give back. To give courageously of our Time, Talents, and Treasure. This is how good stewardship is a witness.

Living stewardship sets a great example for others. People see you doing good which glorifies God (Mt 5:16). They see how your participation in the larger and more majestic mission of the church brings you such joy and happiness that they will want to learn more about how you get that. This is being a witness. This is evangelizing. This is how we are the very disciples who Jesus tells to be His witnesses throughout Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Living stewardship is one of the best witnesses we can make. How does your giving bear witness to God’s love for you and all the blessings and benefits He gives to you?