Hold Nothing Back

There may be no better example of trust and generosity than the poor widow in Chapter 12 of Mark’s Gospel. You know the story of how Jesus praised her meager offering of 2 coins. But it was all she had. She held nothing back. She models a mature discipleship for all of us. St. Paul taught in his 2nd letter to the Corinthians that if the eagerness is there, if your attitude is gratitude, then your gift is acceptable according to what we have–not what we don’t have (2Cor8:12). This widow shows us that it is not the amount that matters, but rather our intention. 

This is who we are as Catholics. We are to give generous support—time, prayers, personal service, and money according to our circumstances—to our parish, our schools, diocesan ministries, and to the universal Church. We’re to do so in return for God’s blessings and in loving trust that He provides. And we are to do so gladly. God loves a cheerful giver (2Cor9:6-7)

How many of us give from our surplus? I confess that for too many years, I didn’t truly feel the impact on my budget of the $20 to $25 a week that I put into the offertory. However, I did continue to stress about my financial condition. But, when I finally gathered up my courage and took the step of faith to give intentionally, sacrificially, like this widow, that is when God gave me His peace about my finances and my station in life. 

It is not the size of the gift that matters, but what it costs you. King David said in 2Sam 24:24 that he could not bring a gift to the altar that cost him nothing. 

Generosity is not measured in how much you give, but by how much you hold back. Think about how much you give to the church and charities. Does your giving accurately reflect how truly grateful you are for the blessings and benefits God gives to you? Does it reflect how much you trust God to provide? What are you holding back? I encourage you, I implore you, take that step of faith – take courage, give sacrificially – and see if God doesn’t bless you with a sense of peace and joy.

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